I hope all is well with you and your family. There are still 60 Sir Knights that have not paid their 2021 Dues. If you are one of these kindly send me your dues. Second notices were sent on the first week of March they were emailed to you and would have come from the Knights of Columbus and not email account. If you are unable to pay your 2021 dues due to financial hardship or illness kindly inform me or the Faithful Navigator. April meeting is usually our auction for St Louis Center. This year like last year we are unable to hold the auction. If you would like to make a donation in places of the auction send your check made payable to the Assembly and mark St Louis Center on the memo line. Last year we raised $6,000.00. The next 4th degree exemplification will be Virtual and the date will be May 8th if you know of a 3rd degree member who would like to join the assembly kindly let me or the Faithful Navigator know. Happy April Birthdays to the following SK: Patrick Conlin, Rev Fortunato Turati, Bert Wagner, Dan Clark, Lorens Gjernes, Don Kreiner, Norman Marchetti, John Corcoran, Ron Jessop, Dave Hensel, Anthony Redente, Steven Elmore, Michael Morrison, Craig Howell Allan Stefina, Dan Taylor, Jeff Taylor, Joseph Fox, John Jarabeck, William Beavers, Tom Genyk, Ryan Houle, Larry Babock, Glen Feaak, David, Encisco, Rev Robert Roggenbuck, Frank Stukenborg, Douglas Koepsell, Joseph Zabinsky, Thomas Brundage, Michael Leenheer, James Peters, Gary Suddendorf, Jeff Kerner, Gary Kiska, and Ryan Wikaryasz. If you have any questions you can contact me at Roznowski48@gmail.com or call me at 734 395-6692. SK Ron Roznowski Comptroller