Hello worthy officers and members of Assembly 0489. I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you are staying safe and healthy!
Spring is officially here, which hopefully means warmer weather is here to stay! But I am sure Michigan will throw a fastball on us.
Opening day for the Detroit Tigers is on Holy Thursday. Not there is any correlation between the last supper/agony and the garden & the Detroit Tigers,
but somedays it can feel that way. Hopefully the Detroit Tigers can win and start off on a good note.
The Holy Paschal Triduum is here. It begins on Holy Thursday (4/1) with the evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper.
On Friday, we call Good Friday (4/2), we recall the passion and crucifixion of Jesus. Typically, Churches offer a service where you can pray
and pay homage to our Lord and kiss the feet of Jesus on the cross. On Saturday (4/3), also called Holy Saturday, a vigil service is held after nightfall,
or dawn on Easter Sunday, in commemoration of Jesus’ death and harrowing Hell. The paschal candle, whose lighting symbolizes the resurrection of Christ from the dead,
is lit from the Easter fire, which is lit at the beginning of the Mass. On Easter Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead.
I know all of us know this, being Catholic. I encourage all Catholics to get out of their house and attend your Parish’s Holy Triduum event each day!
Also get to confession! It feels great after and is good for the soul! Plus, its required to be done frequently to remain in a state of grace
and to receive Holy Communion! So get to confession ASAP if you haven’t already!
Pre-COVID19, our April typically has us hosting an auction at the Dexter Knights of Columbus Hall in place of the meeting.
And the proceeds of this auction would benefit the St. Louis Center. We will not be having an auction this year,
but we will still be having a business meeting at the Dexter Knights of Columbus Hall in April. Meeting will be held on 4/14, and the meeting will start at 7pm.
A light dinner will be served to those sir knights who are attending. Only sir knights for this meeting, for safety reasons.
Maybe soon we can open it back up to Sir Knights + Wives.
The meeting will also be offered virtually for those who can’t attend in person. Information is as follows:
Meeting ID:
Phone Number:
696 873 240 1727#
Even though we won’t be having an auction this year, which proceeds would have gone to the St. Louis Center, if you would still like to donate to the St. Louis Center,
feel free to send the assembly a check, which we will give to the St. Louis Center on your behalf. Our Worthy Master, SK Joe Yekulis,
who is also the Public Relations Director for the St. Louis Center, has also provided more information later in this newsletter.
Our last business meeting was at Old St. Patrick in Ann Arbor. We had a good turnout and am hopeful we will get more as the months go on.
At this meeting we held our first round of nominations. I sent an email with the results. We will be having our 2nd round at the next meeting.
Our next spring exemplification is going to be on May 8th (Saturday), and it will be held virtually. So far, we have about 5-6 candidates from our Assembly,
but would like to get more if possible. My home council has 2-3 candidates alone. Would be great if we can meet our requirements for Star Assembly this year,
something that hasn’t been done in a few years. Please let me know if you need any Form 4’s or if you need more information.
For more information on the exemplification itself, and to get your candidates to fill out the registration form, please go this web address:
If your candidate has not been read at an assembly meeting and hasn’t been approved yet, please come to the April meeting (either in person or virtually)
to present your candidate. If you cant make it to the meeting, please let me or our Worthy Admiral, SK Ed Strach, know so we can present it on your behalf
and get it read.
Honor Guard… If you would like to be in the Honor Guard (even if it’s only serving at Corporate Communions at your home parish),
we welcome you with open arms. For those new to the honor guard, the assembly will always offer $100 towards the uniform.
The new distributer is now taking orders and is cheaper than before. New price is about $460 (plus costs for sword, service baldric,
and gloves if your planning on owning yourself). There might be some swords and baldrics available that were donated back to the assembly
from a family of a fallen sir knight. Please contact our Worthy Commander, SK Gary Kistka to see what is available.
To order the uniform, or replacement parts, go to:
To order the sword, service baldric, and gloves, go to:
Upcoming Dates that Require Honor Guard
- Convention at Mackinaw Island. If you are a delegate, and are planning on attending the Convention in person, consider bringing up your uniform.
We are still planning on having a Living Rosary in front of the Grand Hotel. Would be great to have others from our Assembly participate!
- Living Rosary at the Lansing Capital. The Honor Guard is required. It is on June 5th, in front of the Capital Building.
There will be a Mass and Procession in the morning, followed by a Living Rosary after. Please attend.
- Memorial Day Parades – Not sure if any are going to be offered this year, due to COVID19 restrictions.
Stand-by for more information. SK Gary Kistka or I will pass along information as received.
Continued homework…
We really, really need to grow the assembly in both participation and attendance, and growth in numbers. If you have any 3rd degree knights
curious about the 4th degree, or wanting to join the 4th degree, don’t wait to get them a membership form to complete.
Like those brothers who still haven’t become knights yet (which I hope you are also working on to bring them into the order!),
I am sure there are those who want to join, but just are waiting to be asked. So, let’s not hesitate to ask!
Remember to stay safe, be cautious, and practice safe social distancing. We must do our part to slow down the spread of this disease.
But please remain calm, and don’t panic as this never helps and only makes things worse. The devil wants you to panic because he knows
that’s when people tend to lose their faith in God and do some stupid stuff, like sin and breaking your connection with our Lord.
Don’t give the devil that satisfaction! Now is the time to rise up, be a man of God, and pray for the fate of the world, for each other and
for our nations leaders who are setting forth policies for our Nation and State. Let us all pray the Holy Spirit will come down and influence
the hearts of those who lead.
Please continue to contact your fellow council and assembly brother and make sure they are doing ok.
If you know anyone who needs assistance, whether financial, or physical assistance, please let me know. The assembly and councils are there to assist!
“Lord, strengthen me with your grace this Lent so that I can overcome any temptation.”
God Bless and VIVAT JESUS, brothers!